GitHub Actions Security

Best for open source repositories
Unlimited Public Repositories
No Notifications
Best for private repositories
For up to 100 Developers
Slack & Email Notifications
Best for enterprise
Volume Discount for 100+ Developers

Plan Comparison

GitHub Environments

GitHub Cloud account
Public repository
GitHub hosted Actions runner
Community support
GitHub Cloud & GitHub Enterprise Server accounts
Private & Public repositories
GitHub Hosted & Actions Runner Controller (ARC) runners
Priority support
GitHub account

GitHub Cloud is hosted by GitHub whereas GitHub Server is self-hosted by the customer

GitHub Cloud
GitHub Cloud & GitHub Enterprise Server
Repository types

Public repositories are visible to everyone on the internet and typically host open-source code. Private repositories are only accessible to specific users and typically host proprietary code

Private & Public
Actions Runner environments

GitHub-hosted runners are managed by GitHub and run in GitHub's environment. Actions Runner Controller (ARC) is a Kubernetes operator that orchestrates and scales self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions in customer's environment

GitHub-Hosted & Self-Hosted Runners

Support Channels to engage with the StepSecurity team


GitHub Actions Runtime Security

Block network egress traffic with domain allowlist
Detect compromised packages, dependencies & build tools
Detect modification of source code
Disable sudo access
Runtime insights for Actions runs
Publish from GitHub Actions using multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Prevent secret & code exfiltration
Detect compromised build tools & dependencies
Detect modification of source code
Disable sudo access
Runtime insights for Actions runs
Publish from GitHub Actions using multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Slack & email notifications
HTTPS monitoring
API access
Detection summary
StepSecurity GitHub App
Block network egress traffic with domain allowlist

Harden-Runner can block traffic to remote endpoints that have not been explicitly authorized. This stops attackers from stealing credentials and sensitive data

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Detect compromised packages, dependencies & build tools

Harden-Runner monitors the behavior of build tools and dependencies. It flags deviations in baseline.

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Detect modification of source code

CI/CD jobs typically don't overwrite source code, this is a potential indicator of compromise. Malicious source code overwrites have caused major supply chain security breaches in the past.

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Disable sudo access

Sudo allows the user to delegate privileges to run commands as a root or another user. Harden-Runner can disable sudo access in CI/CD

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Insights page for CI/CD runs

For each GitHub Actions workflow run, Harden-Runner monitors run-time network, file, and process events and makes runtime insights available via the StepSecurity Web App.

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Publish from GitHub Actions using multi-factor authentication (MFA)

StepSecurity wait-for-secrets allows project owners to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) in their release workflows

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Harden-Runner can send important runtime CI/CD events to Slack and email workflow execution logs.

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HTTPS monitoring

Harden-Runner monitors and detects suspicious events for outbound HTTPS encrypted connections from Actions runners.

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API access

Organizations can access Harden-Runner runtime insights and detections via APIs. This is useful for central monitoring and SIEM integrations.

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Detection summary

Harden-Runner can send important runtime CI/CD events to Slack and email workflow execution logs.

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StepSecurity GitHub App

StepSecurity GitHub App enables enterprises to use numerous CI/CD runtime and infrastructure features. You can learn more about the app here:

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Third-party Actions Governance

Use StepSecurity maintained Actions
Discover all third party GitHub Actions across GitHub organization
Discover in-use unmaintained Actions
Perform risk assessment on Actions
Use StepSecurity Maintained Actions

StepSecurity maintained Actions provide secure alternatives for risky third-party Actions in use

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Discover all third party GitHub Actions across GitHub organization

The platform indexes all GitHub Actions workflows across the GitHub account and provides an organizational view of all third-party GitHub Actions in use

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Discover in-use unmaintained Actions

Discover if you are relying on unmaintained GitHub Actions in your environment

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Perform risk assessment on Actions

StepSecurity provides a risk score for GitHub Actions based on runtime profile and Actions code analysis

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GitHub Actions secrets management

List GitHub Actions secrets metadata across GitHub organization
Discover secrets that have not been rotated
Discover ununsed secrets
Detect workflows with elevated GITHUB_TOKEN permissions
Detect deployment workflows that are not using OIDC
List GitHub Actions secrets metadata across GitHub organization

The platform indexes metadata of all GitHub Actions secrets across the GitHub account and provides an organizational view. The platform does not have access to secrets itself.

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Discover secrets that have not been rotated

Discover old secrets in use that have not been rotated

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Discover ununsed secrets

Discover secrets that are not being used by any GitHub Actions workflows

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Detect workflows with elevated GITHUB_TOKEN permissions

The GITHUB_TOKEN is an automatically generated secret to make authenticated calls to the GitHub API. The platform can set least privileged permissions for the token

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Detect deployment workflows that are not using OIDC

Detect release workflows that are using long-lived privileged secrets. These workflows could use OIDC that can help eliminate these privileged secrets

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Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription Plans

Runtime CI/CD Security Using StepSecurity Harden-Runner


Best for open source repositories
Unlimited Repositories
Get Started for Free
Free Forever


Best for enterprise and private repositories
/ month
Per Developer
Get Started Today
7-Day Free Trial




Supported Repository Types
Private & Public
Prevent Secret and Code Exfiltration
Detect Compromised Build Tools & Dependencies
Detect Modification of Source Code
Disable sudo access
Insights page for CI/CD runs
Slack & Email

Upcoming Solutions

GitHub Repository Posture Management

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Policy Driven Secure GitHub Resource Creation
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Track Governance Violations Against Industry Standards
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Automated Remediations through Pull Requests

Get Early Beta Access ->

Frequently Asked Questions
